Supplementary Material for Disruptive Solutions on Requirement Engineering for Agile Software Development: A tertiary study
This repository delivers the supplementary material for the paper: Disruptive Solutions on Requirement Engineering for Agile Software Development: A tertiary study. In the following, we present the abstract of the study: Context: Agile Software Development (ASD) is a disruptive process compared to traditional software development. Therefore, traditional Requirements Engineering (RE) forms may not be the best way to do RE for ASD (RE-ASD). Objective: Working with ASD using traditional RE ways could limit ASD's potential. Thus, it is necessary to investigate what academia and industry have done in RE to take full advantage of all of the capabilities of ASD beyond traditional RE. Method: We conducted a Tertiary Study looking for solutions for RE-ASD using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol described by Kitchenham and Charters. We then categorized the solutions into families using Targeted Coding and Constant Comparison, tools from Socio-Technical Grounded Theory (STGT). Afterward, we classified the solutions as disruptive using our model based on the Hype Level Curve concept, assessing their hype (popularity) in the software engineering community using Google Trends and Google Colab tools. Results: After executing the SLR protocol, we accepted 37 studies and encountered 136 solutions used by academia and industry for RE-ASD. We categorized these solutions into 21 solution families, six of which we classified as disruptive. Design Thinking (DT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) were the two families of solutions that stood out the most. We also identified the type of solution (e.g., process, method, technique, tool, model, framework) and domain (academia or industry). Furthermore, we cataloged the challenges presented by the solutions. Conclusion: We concluded that only a few solutions that have been used for RE-ASD have the power to successfully challenge the mainstream Agile Software Development process by using innovation (26 out of 106). There is a gap between academia and industry regarding these disruptive solutions, and some challenges still need to be addressed in using these solutions. The repository contains the following: • Dataset from the Tertiary Study: o Data of the retrieved studies. It presents the classifications of the documents as 'Accepted,' 'Rejected' (with the indication of the step of the protocol the authors rejected the study), or 'Duplicated.' o Data of all solutions retrieved from the accepted studies • Socio-Technical Grounded Theory (STGT) tools o Result of the use of Targeted Coding and Constant Comparison • The Google Colab Notebook o Code in python o Results