Data for: Risk of bias in non-randomised studies of interventions (ROBINS-I): low inter-rater reliability and challenges in its application
Published: 9 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5gh3hkk64w.1
Silvia Minozzi, Rita Banzi, Silvia Gianola, Michela Cinquini, Chiara Gerardi, Greta CastelliniDescription
Dataset underlying the findings of a paper submitted to the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Minozzi S, Cinquini M, Gianola S, Castellini G, Gerardi C, and Banzi R Risk of bias in non-randomised studies of interventions (ROBINS-I): low inter-rater reliability and challenges in its application. Version 1_11 February 2019
Observational Study, Clinical Research, Systematic Review, Research Method