Published: 13 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5h9h7ssbpm.1
, Bernardino Cerda-Cristerna


These are the raw data from the manuscript UNDERREPRESENTATION OF FEMALE SPEAKERS AT ONLINE AND IN-PERSON DENTISTRY CONFERENCES. The file includes the data that we have used to get the results of our study that explored the underrepresentation of female speakers at online and in-person dentistry conferences.


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This is the method section in our manuscript submitted to publish: We searched for general dentistry conferences in Mexico between January 1st of 2018 and December 31st, 2022. We limited the search to conferences organized by Mexican dental schools from a state university, by the Mexican Dental Association and by the National College of Dental Surgeons. The search was performed in Google, in Safari and in the websites of the public dental schools, the website of the Mexican Dental Association and the National College of Dental Surgeons. Facebook pages of dental schools and of the Mexican Dental Association and National College of Dental Surgeons were also explored for information. We included dental conferences with the program in Spanish (national language). We included a dental conference only when the scientific program provided the title of the lecture, name of the speaker giving the lecture, and duration of the lecture. The conference information had to include the name of the group organizing the conference, the date of the conference and the complete lecture schedule. We included in-person conferences, online conferences, and hybrid conferences that lasted ten hours or more. The absence of any inclusion criteria led to the exclusion of the dental conference from our study. Identification of gender. The gender identity of each speaker was identified by the name of the speaker, who was categorized as a woman or a man; we used a binary classification to limit our study to our aims. Other studies used a binary classification to explore the representation of female and male speakers in dental conferences (15-20). If the gender was in doubt or in the case of gender-neutral names, we performed an online search to locate a photograph of the speaker or to obtain more information about the speaker. The speaker’s title was also used to identify gender, as this is typically included in the name of scientific conference speakers in Mexico. In Spanish, the title Dr. is for a man and Dra. for a woman with a PhD degree, while the title Mtro. is for a man and Mtra. for a women with a Master of Science degree. The age of each speaker was not identified because conference programs did not include that data. Participation of dental researchers in the National System of Researchers We searched the website of the National System of Researchers (NSR) to obtain information about the researchers enrolled in that system of the Mexican government. The NSR is part of the Mexican Council of Humanities, Science and Technology. The name of the researchers recognized by the NSR was available as public information on the NSR website (24). We downloaded five Excel files (each one for a year between 2018 and 2022) with information about the name of the researchers in the NSR, their place of work and their research area.


Universidad Veracruzana Facultad de Odontologia Region Orizaba - Cordoba


