COVID-19 burden, author affiliation and women’s well-being: COVID-19 related publications including focus on low- and middle-income countries
This dataset includes three versions of the data gathered by the UCSD Center on Gender Equity and Health as part of a literature review on COVID-19 publications related to women's well-being indexed through May 2021. We conducted a recurring literature review of academic articles related to COVID-19 and women's well-being in LMIC. Six electronic bibliographic databases [PubMed (, Web of Science (Clarivate), PsycINFO (ProQuest), EconLit (EBSCO), NBER ( and RePeC (] were searched for peer-reviewed literature and working papers. The reviews were conducted every 1-2 weeks between June 2020 and May 2021, thus covering all relevant articles on COVID-19 and gender indexed in the selected databases through 28th May 2021. Our search criteria were developed by gender research experts, and included terms related to five broad thematic areas related to COVID-19 and gender: a) Women and girls’ health, b) Gendered social impacts (including norms), c) Gendered economic impacts, d) Women’s collectives, and e) Women’s leadership (search terms in Appendix Table 1). Identified studies were then screened by a study researcher for the following eligibility criteria: including any data or findings focused on a LMIC, including any empirical analyses, and including any finding on the gendered aspects of social, economic and health impacts of the pandemic and spread containment responses in LMIC contexts. We excluded studies which had no empirical analysis (e.g. opinion or commentary pieces with no data analysis), were not in English, did not have full-text available, did not include focus on at least one LMIC, were missing basic study information (e.g. publication date, details on country/countries of focus, information on methods/analyses used), or were clearly off-topic. Four country-level variables were also included in this analysis. Country level data on COVID-19 cases and deaths were extracted from the World Health Organization database ( Countries were classified by income group (upper-middle income/ lower-middle income/ lower-income) using the World Bank income groupings ( Gender Inequality Index (GII) 2019 rankings were obtained from the United Nations Development Program, and total development assistance received by countries from donors in 2019 was obtained from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) database ( The study protocol was registered with Figshare (