Emissions-based market share estimates for cement in select European markets 2005-2020
The data are estimates for the market shares of individual companies for cement clinker/cement in four European countries: France, Germany, Spain, and the UK. The estimates cover 2005 through 2020. The estimates have been derived from plant-level emissions data retrieved from the publicly available registries of the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The underlying assumption is that aggregated plant-level emissions closely track company market shares; this is plausible due to the high share of invariant, raw material-related emissions associated with cement production, and the similarity of production processes and technologies across plants.
Steps to reproduce
The estimates are based on annual emissions data reported in the public registries of the EU ETS. These can be downloaded from the European Commission webpage. For the four countries covered, the participating installations have been screened for cement clinker plants. For each plant, emissions are then broken down from annual data to monthly shares of country-level total emissions from all plants, adjusting for intra-year events such as kiln stoppages and plant closures, as obtained from press reports and company filings. Mergers and acquisitions are reflected as of their respective closing dates. Plants have been mapped to companies using publicly available sources such as press reports and company filings. Company names have been anonymised. For details, please see the accompanying short working paper "Estimating market shares from emissions data", forthcoming.