The countervailing power Of AI DAOs influences value transformation; Bitcoin (POW) vs.Ethereum (POS)

Published: 28 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5mxd93pjt5.1
Shimizu Kazuyuki


In this paper, we investigate the process of value transformation influenced by the countervailing power of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAO) controlled by artificial intelligence (AI). There are various values in society. The Internet was believed to lead humanity better by further decentralizing various values. However, the uneven distribution of information causes many problems, such as "cyber cascades", "filter bubbles", and "echo chambers" etc. To solve these problems, DAO using blockchain is expected to become a method of solving those problems in the Internet space. This paper intends to capture the value change in three steps. In the first step, we take two philosophical approaches. First, using Hegel's dialectic, we attempt to compare A. current social values (thesis), B. the value of, for example, AI DAOs (antithesis), and C. new values (synthesis) in an Internet world where these contradictions exist (A + B = C). The second philosophical approach is to consider the mutuality of Bitcoin (POW) and Ethereum (POS) by adapting Popper's World 1, 2, and 3 models.  In the second step, we examine the three core capabilities that amplify "credit" in decentralised finance (DeFi): exchange swap rates, staking, and indices (portfolio). Finally, we consider the value dispersion within the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks as the main two poles. The countervailing power between these two poles and the upcoming expanding AI DAOs, especially Bitcoin-halving, coordinate the interests of stakeholders due to the uneven distribution of values and encourage the interaction between diverse values in cyberspace.



Meiji Daigaku


Semiconductor, Computer Ethics, Governance, Decentralized Control System, Bitcoin, Information Organization, Ethereum, Decentralized Finance
