Prenatal Nutrition Among Bhutanese Refugees in Utah: A Pilot Study
This is a study about prenatal nutritional assessment among Bhutanese Refugee women in Salt Lake City, Utah
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A questionnaire using four different constructs—demographics, food security, knowledge, and attitudes regarding prenatal nutrition was administered to 39 Bhutanese women who had experienced pregnancy in the US.Questions on demographics and prenatal nutritional knowledge were taken from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Questionnaire (BRFSS).12 Questions on food security were adapted from the U.S Household Food Security Survey Module: Six- Item Short Form designed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).13 Lastly, questions on attitude focused on the difference in the availability of prenatal foods in Nepal and the US, as perceived by the participants, were designed by the researchers of Brigham Young University (BYU), Utah. These designed questionnaires were translated by a Nepali speaking BYU researcher involved in the study, along with the help of a Nepali language professor residing in Nepal. These interpreted questionnaires were reviewed by the certified Bhutanese interpreter residing in Salt Lake City, Utah. This research study was reviewed and approved by BYU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). Pilot testing of the questionnaires was done by four female members of the Bhutanese community who had experienced pregnancy in the US, after which changes were made to better fit the target population.