N2O isotope and GHG data from soil
Dataset of nitrous oxide isotopes, nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia emissions from agricultural soils: case study in Latvia
Steps to reproduce
Measurements were made using the CRDS devices to which a plastic bucket with soil was attached (bucket volume – 3 L, surface diameter – 19 cm, ground surface area – 254.46 cm2). Before taking the measurements, enough water was added to one of the buckets to compensate for evaporation (150 mL), while in the other bucket, enough water was added to create over moistened soil (300 mL). In the course of the measurements, the water in the buckets was regularly replenished. Information on wetting, sample weight was collected and the amount of evaporation was calculated. The measurements were made at the Forest and Water Resources Scientific Laboratory at Latvia University of Life Sciences end Technologies.
Lavijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte