The Effect of Parental Smoking on Voice Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Population

Published: 18 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5nvb3z36m7.1
emel tahir


The aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of parental smoking on voice related quality of life in pediatric population. Pediatric Voice Related Quality of Life (PVRQoL) instrument was administered to the parents of the 104 healthy children without any known voice disorder. Children were evaltaued into two groups. The first group of children had no parental smoking history and no household smoke exposure (non-PS group) as in the second group; at least one parent of child consume tobacco products in the house (PS group). Social emotional (SE) and physical functional (PF) subdomains of the PVRQoL were also calculated.



Voice Disorder, Laryngology
