feedback hierarchy

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5r5mbdd9jh.1
Xiyang Zhang


In this study, we examined the relationships between feedback hierarchy and feedback reactions, as well as the mediating role of perceived threat to self-worth and moderating roles of guilt-proneness and shame-proneness. Our theoretical model was tested using 779 observations collected from 212 full-time employees. Consistent with our theoretical arguments, results indicated that task-focused feedback leads to more positive feedback reactions because it poses less threat to self-worth while self-focused feedback leads to more negative feedback reactions because feedback recipients perceive high levels of threat to self-worth. Furthermore, in an exploratory analysis, we found a cross-level moderating effects of guilt-proneness and shame-proneness on the direct effect of feedback hierarchy on feedback reactions such that guilt-proneness weaken the relationship between feedback hierarchy and feedback reactions, and shame-proneness strengthen the relationship between feedback hierarchy and feedback reactions. We discuss theoretical implications of our findings as well as future research directions.



University of Akron


Applied Psychology
