Analog dates for NCEP-R1 at 301 precipitation stations in Switzerland (1981-2010)
The dataset contains the results of seven variants of analog methods (AM) applied to the NCEP-R1 reanalysis at 301 stations in Switzerland. The parameters were calibrated for daily precipitation. This dataset is part of an assessment of the impact of the reanalyses on AMs. See the reference for more details on the methods. The dataset principally consists in the calibrated parameters (in text files) for all methods and all stations as well as the analog dates (as Modified Julian Dates) in netCDF files. The precipitation values could not be published as they are not freely available (please contact the authors in case of interest). The dataset structure is: - A folder for every analog method (2SLP, 2Z, …) containing: - The analog dates for the calibration period ( - The analog dates for the validation period ( - The input files used by AtmoSwing (the software) for the calibration (parameters_calibration_[...].xml) - The resulting calibrated parameters for every station ( - The list of the precipitation stations with some of their properties (CatalogPredictands-Precipitation-Daily-Station-Swizerland.xml)