Data for: Experiment and MCNP simulation of a portable tagged neutron inspection system for detection of explosives in a concrete wall
The contents of these data are as follows: Fig.3. Comparison of TNT simulation spectrum for different models. The black line is the case where the generator shell material copper is placed in front of the neutron source in the model. The red line is the case where the neutron generator shell material is not placed in the model. Fig.4. Comparison of simulated and experimental spectra of graphite (a), TNT (b) and ammonium nitrate (c), in the absence of a wall, the samples to be measured are placed in the air alone. Fig.5. Comparison of simulated and experimental spectrum of TNT inside different thickness walls (a: 10 cm wall + TNT, b: 15 cm wall + TNT, c: 20 cm wall + TNT). Fig.6. Comparison of simulated and experimental spectrum of ammonium nitrate (AN) inside different thickness walls (a: 10 cm wall + AN, b: 15 cm wall + AN, c: 20 cm wall + AN).