Data for publication

Published: 8 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5sm7cj6tzp.1
M. Adekojo Waheed,


The physicomechanical properties are the compressed density (CD), relaxed density (RD), durability index (DI), water resistance index (WRI), relaxation ratio (RR), and compressive strength (CS). The proximate characteristics including ash content (AC), volatile matter (VM), moisture content (MC), and fixed carbon (FC) content are used to evaluate the fuel properties in a briquette for application. The elemental characteristics including carbon content (CC), hydrogen content (HC), and nitrogen content (NC) present the elemental constituents of the briquette samples. The combustion indices including combustibility index (CI), fuel ratio (FR), and volatile ignitability (VI) are used to assess the suitability of a fuel in a coal engine while the calorific value (CV) measures the energy released by the briquette at complete combustion. The Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrum (EDS) presents the inorganic attributes of the briquettes. The FTIR presents the functional groups of the briquettes. The microstructural attributes of the briquettes were obtained from SEM. The TGA presents the weight change of the briquettes when heated at a constant rate. The water boiling performance test determines the performance of the fuel sample during water boiling.



Engineering, Bioenergy, Biofuel Utilization
