Two point discrimination among school going children age between 13 years and 17 years : A Normative Research
The shortest distance between two stimuli (applied with equal pressure simultaneously) that can be measured and interpreted as two separate stimuli is referred to as two point discriminative sense. To our best knowledge there is no reference value for the two point discrimination sense for the upper extremity in high school going children .Hence, we intended to determine the same. A total of 160 (90 males and 70 females) healthy school going children aged 13 to 17 were randomly selected for the cross- sectional study. Demographics were documented and with a help of commercially available aesthesiometer two point discriminative sense was estimated in 12 areas namely, upper lateral arm (ULA), lower lateral arm (LLA), mid posterior arm (MPA), mid medial arm (MMA), mid lateral forearm (MLFA), mid medial forearm (MMFA), mid posterior forearm (MPFA), first dorsal interossei (FDI), distal of thumb (DOT), distal of long finger (DOLF), distal of short finger (DOSF), dorsal proximal long finger (DPLF).