Land cover, tree density and predicted habitat suitability for 12 species in northern central Victoria used in habitat connectivity analysis
The attached files represent the data we used in identifying wildlife corridors for the restoration of regional habitat connectivity in northern central Victoria, Australia. All the files are in Esri ASCII raster format with VICGRID94 projection. All the resolutions are 75m by 75m. The file trees3.asc contains the density of trees in each cell ranging from 0 to 64. The file refined_landcov.asc is the land cover map with ten categories (category 4 was further split into two subcategories 41 and 42). The land cover classes are: (1) Dryland pasture; (2) Dense forest cover; (3) Woodland and open forest; (4) Open woodland (41 Open woodland – open woodland with numerous gaps and 42 Open woodland – where canopy vegetation is relatively continuous); (5) Temperate grassland and chenopod shrubland; (6) Urban – suburbs; (8) Irrigated crops, pasture and horticulture; (9) Plantation forestry; (10) Waterbodies and wetlands; and (11) Dry-land cropping. The other files are the predicted habitat suitability for 12 species. These included three species of mammals (brush-tailed phascogale [Phascogale tapoatafa], sugar glider [Petaurus breviceps] and yellow-footed antechinus [Antechinus flavipes]), five species of birds (buff-rumped thornbill [Acanthiza reguloides], fuscous honeyeater [Lichenostomus fuscus], grey shrike-thrush [Colluricincla harmonica], rufous whistler [Pachycephala rufiventris] and white-throated treecreeper [Cormobates leucophaeus]), and four reptile species (Bougainville’s skink [Lerista bougainville], jacky lizard [Amphibolurus muricatus], tree goanna [Varanus varius] and wood gecko [Diplodactylus vittatus]). Note: those in square brackets are species Latin names, which usually should be displayed in italics.