Data for: Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling with Multiple Lines and Demand Plans Using Reinforcement Learning

Published: 1 June 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/5txxwj2g6b.3


Description of dataset This repository contains the datasets used in our study "Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling with Multiple Lines and Demand Plans Using Reinforcement Learning". The repository provides three datasets. The main dataset in the folder data contains 1050 problem instances for the multi-line permutation flow shop problem. The dataset extends the dataset introduced by Taillard (1993) to multiple production lines and demand plans. The processing times were sampled from the uniform interval [1,99]. In addition, we sampled the demand plans from a multinomial distribution with equal probability for each job type, which leads to rather balanced demand plans. The folders data_lin and data_exp each contain 150 problem instances with more imbalanced demand plans, where the probabilities of each job type decrease linearly or exponentially. However, the quantity to be produced for each job type is greater than zero. Dataset structure Each dataset of the main study is structured in 15 subfolders. Each folder contains problem instances for a combination of layout and processing time variation. Folder name notation: Tai_PFSP_<A>L_<B> A: Number of production lines (1-3) B: Processing time variation (1-5) All of these folders contain 70 problem instances. A problem file is a combination of the problem layout (sequence length, number of machines and stations) and the demand plan variation. The processing times are fixed for one problem characteristic, but the ten demand plans are different. File name notation: t<C><D>_<E>_<F>_<G>_<H>.mix C: Number of production lines (1-3) D: Identifier of the layout (1-7) E: Sequence length (20,100,500) F: Number of machines per line (5,10,20) G: Number of job types (5,10,20) H: Number of demand plan variation (1-10) Each file represents a different problem in text format with the following notation: Line 1: Demand plan Line 2: Layout Type Line 3: Number of machines Line 4: Number of machines per line Line 5: Number of total machines with synchronization machine Line 6: Number of job types Line 7-end: Processing times in matrix form for machines (rows) and job types (columns)



Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg


Flowshop Scheduling
