Data for: Probabilistic modelling of the events occurring at evisceration during slaughtering of pigs: Quantitative data in support of stochastic models for the assessment of the risk of contamination.

Published: 12 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5v8kghnz9b.1
Matteo Crotta, Elena Luisi, Nikolaos Dadios, Javier Guitian


sec 2.3 - Cumulative distributions faeces/bile raw data (value and percentiles) to fit the cumulative distributions describing the amount of visible faecal/bile contamination dropping on pig carcasses following accidental rupture of the gut or gallbladder sec 2.2 - Multinomial - nested Beta method Example as to implement the multinomial process by means of nested beta distributions (described in section 2.2.). The occurrence of ruptured guts in High throughput slaughterhouses is used for purpose of illustration sec 2.5 - Dose-dependent conditional probability of partial condemnation Example on how to obtain the probability of partial condemnation as a function of the amount/extent of contamination on the internal/external surface of the carcasses. Faecal contamination is used for purpose of illustration



Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment
