Dataset: Does transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improve disgust regulation through imagery rescripting?
'data.frame': 348 obs. of 12 variables: $ VP : int = participants number $ day : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": = number of day: day 1 vs. day 2 $ block : Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","3": = number of block: block 1 vs. block 2 vs block 3 $ ERCond : Factor w/ 2 levels "Con","ImR": = experimental condition: control vs. imagery $ EmoCond: Factor w/ 7 levels "EKE","HYG","KAD",..: = disgust condition of picture presented in this trial $ picNum : int = picture number of this trial $ t1 : int = disgust experience on t1 $ t2 : int = disgust experience on t2 $ trial : int = number of trial $ code : Factor w/ 2 levels "ACTIVE","SHAM": = tDCS condition active vs. sham $ diff : int = difference in disgust experience between t1 and t2 $ Exp : Factor w/ 2 levels "PFC","V3": localization condition of tDCS (PFC vs Visual Cortex)