Data for: Lesions to the intraparietal cortex disrupt visual realignment after prism adaptation: Evidence from open-loop pointing and manual straight ahead

Published: 15 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5wwds3mt5h.1
Janet Bultitude


Data for linear mixed models analysis. Column 1 = participant. Controls (C1-C6) and patients with left or right hemisphere intraparietal cortex lesions (L1, L2, R1-R4) Column 2 = group. Control or patient Column 3 = session. Before prism adaptation (B_Pre) or post prism adaptation (A_Post) Column 4 = pointing type. Manual Straight Ahead (A_MSA) or Open Loop Pointing (B_OLP) Column 5 = prism direction. Contralesionally- or ipsillesionally-shifting. For the patients, the direction of prismatic shift was coded relative to the lesioned hemisphere (ipsilesionally-shifting or contralesionally-shifting). For each control participant, the direction of prismatic shift was similarly coded relative to the lesioned hemisphere of the patient to whom they were matched. Column 6 = pointing error in degrees of visual angle. Negative numbers indicating an error in the opposite direction of the expected after-effect (i.e., the direction of the prismatic shift)



Psychology, Neuropsychology
