Data set of the care pathway of children living with epilepsy in Kinshasa

Published: 7 October 2018| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/5xbskdjnm9.3
Thierry Matonda-ma-Nzuzi,


It is the dataset of a study describing the therapeutic itinerary of children living with epilepsy of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo). The features of this care pathway and its relationships with behavioral problems and cognitive impairment are analyzed. The therapeutic itinerary is described by four variables: i) the types of consultation (TypeOfConsultation and NumberOfTypeConsultation), ii) the first source of suspicion or diagnostic of disease (SuspicionDiagnostic), iii) the previous treatment before reaching the site of study (PreviousTreatment) and the duration between the first epileptic seizure and the first arrival to the site of study. This duration is subdivised in three: the duration I (DurationI) between first seizure and suspicion or diagnostic of epilepsy, the duration II (DurationII) between the suspicion or diagnostic of disease and the first arrival to the site of study, and total duration (TotalDuration) between first epileptic seizure and first arrival to the site of study. Relationships between features of therapeutic itinerary are analyzed by the Pearson chi-square test, non parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal Wallis test) and parametric tests (with planned contrast) when equality of variances is assumed and without high asymmetry. For planned contrasts for variable "source of suspicion or diagnostic" we used 3 contrasts: Western Medicine (3/0/0), None (-1/2/0), Traditional healer (-1/-1/1) and family or relatives (-1/-1/-1). For planned contrasts for variable "previous treatment" we used 3 contrasts: AED (3/0/0), AED-Traditional (-1/2/0), Traditional treatment (-1/-1/-1) and None (-1/-1/1).



Pediatric Neurology, Pediatric Psychiatry
