Raw data from measurements of gas hydrate equilibrium conditions in the CO2–H2O and CO2–H2O–dimethyl sulfoxide systems

Published: 19 February 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/5xjdgvjb84.3
Anton Semenov


The folder named 'Raw data CO2+H2O+DMSO' contains the raw data for the measurements of the hydrate equilibrium conditions in the carbon dioxide–water and carbon dioxide–water–dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) system. The three-phase vapor–aqueous solution–gas hydrate equilibrium for CO2–H2O and CO2–H2O–DMSO systems was measured at various pressures and temperatures (243–283 K, 1–4.5 MPa, 0–50% DMSO) and the results are described in [1,2]. The non-invariant four-phase vapor–aqueous solution–ice–gas hydrate equilibrium for the CO2–H2O system was directly measured for the first time (T = 271.60 ± 0.01 K and P = 1.044 ± 0.002 MPa, lower quadruple point Q1, see [3] for details). Forty-six points of three-phase vapor–aqueous solution–gas hydrate equilibrium were measured. For each one there is a separate file with the extension .dat (or .xlsx) containing the values of time, temperature (°C) and gauge pressure (bar), stirrer speed (rpm) in the GHA350 autoclave. The column labeled 'Temperature (ーC) Bath' contains the measured temperature values in the autoclave at each time point. The file name represents the point number, which is from Table 2 of the data paper [2]. Six independent measurements of the four-phase vapor–aqueous solution–ice–gas hydrate equilibrium were made. The raw data is linked to the papers: [1] Anton P. Semenov, Rais I. Mendgaziev, Andrey S. Stoporev, Vladimir A. Istomin, Daria V. Sergeeva, Timur B.Tulegenov, Vladimir A.Vinokurov (2022) Dimethyl sulfoxide as a novel thermodynamic inhibitor of carbon dioxide hydrate formation // Chemical Engineering Science, 255, 117670 DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.117670 [2] Anton P. Semenov, Rais I. Mendgaziev, Andrey S. Stoporev, Vladimir A. Istomin, Daria V. Sergeeva, Timur B. Tulegenov, Vladimir A.Vinokurov (2022) Dataset for the dimethyl sulfoxide as a novel thermodynamic inhibitor of carbon dioxide hydrate formation // Data in Brief, 42, 108289 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108289 [3] Anton Semenov, Rais Mendgaziev, Andrey Stoporev, Vladimir Istomin, Timur Tulegenov, Murtazali Yarakhmedov, Andrei Novikov, Vladimir Vinokurov (2023) Direct Measurement of the Four-Phase Equilibrium Coexistence Vapor–Aqueous Solution–Ice–Gas Hydrate in Water–Carbon Dioxide System // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(11), 9321 DOI: 10.3390/ijms24119321


Steps to reproduce

To extract the three-phase vapor–aqueous solution–gas hydrate equilibrium point (P, T) from a single experimental pressure-temperature trajectory as follows: 1) Convert gauge pressure (bar) to absolute pressure (bar) by adding 1 to all gauge pressure values in the “Pressure (bar)” column. 2) Plot the experimental P-T trajectory (the absolute pressure column is from step 1, and the temperature is from the “Temperature (ーC) Bath” column). 3) Approximate the segments of the experimental P-T trajectory before and after the endpoint of gas hydrate dissociation at a ramp heating (0.1 K/h) with linear functions. 4) The intersection of two linear functions is the endpoint of the gas hydrate dissociation with equilibrium pressure and temperature. 5) Convert the obtained values of the hydrate equilibrium temperature (°C) to (K), and the hydrate equilibrium pressure (bar) to (MPa). To extract the four-phase vapor–aqueous solution–ice–gas hydrate equilibrium point (P, T) from a single experimental pressure-temperature trajectory as follows: 1) Convert gauge pressure (bar) to absolute pressure (bar) by adding 1 to all gauge pressure values in the “Pressure (bar)” column. 2) Plot the experimental P-T trajectory (the absolute pressure column is from step 1, and the temperature is from the “Temperature (ーC) Bath” column). 3) Average pressure and temperature and determine the standard deviation of the mean for these parameters at the segment after the time dependencies of these parameters have plateaued as a result of the sequential onset of gas hydrate and ice (or ice and gas hydrate) in the system (refer to paper [3] for more information). 4) Convert the obtained mean values of the hydrate equilibrium temperature (°C) to (K), and the hydrate equilibrium pressure (bar) to (MPa).


Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet nefti i gaza imeni I M Gubkina


Physical Chemistry, Carbon Dioxide, Phase Equilibrium, Gas Hydrate, Sulfoxide, Phase Equilibrium Experimental Data
