Remapped transcriptome and clonal data from "Mapping of clonal lineages across developmental stages in human neural differentiation"

Published: 30 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5y7sspj2h7.1
Rongjing Wang, Xinyue Zhang


We have reorganized and mapped the clonal and transcriptome data from the paper titled "Mapping of clonal lineages across developmental stages in human neural differentiation," authored by Dr. Zhiwen You, Dr. Luyue Wang, Dr. Wei Wu, and Dr. Yuejun Chen. The single-cell RNA sequencing data, along with the associated virus barcode information, have been divided into four objects corresponding to stages I, II, III, and IV. The metadata table includes "Cell Barcode," "Virus Barcode," and "Cluster Id" from the original GEO file "GSE221592_Virusbar_processed_data_combined," along with an additional labeled "Sample" name. Files in the QS format can be easily read and saved using the R package "qs," which can be accessed from



Cell Lineage, Single-Cell RNA Sequencing
