Data for "Impact of Submesoscale Vertical Advection on the Primary Productivity in the Southern East China Sea"
A Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Detritus (NPZD) model depicting the marine ecological dynamics was coupled with the physical model based on the Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) in the manuscipt “Impact of Submesoscale Vertical Advection on the Primary Productivity in the Southern East China Sea”. The observational data are uploaded in the folder “summer 2013 cruise”. The monthly-averaged outputs from 2013 to 2014 from the High Resolution Model (HRM) simulation are interpolated onto a coarse grid to compress the data size. They are in the “HRM_interpolated_on_coarse_grid_Monthly_avg” folder. The monthly-averaged outputs from 2013 to 2014 from the Low Resolution Model (LRM) simulation are in the “LRM_ Monthly_avg” folder. The daily-averaged outputs on 16 August 2013 from the HRM run and LRM run were also uploaded to the folders, i.e. “HRM_daily_20130816” and “LRM_daily_20130816”, respectively. All the corresponding grids are enclosed in their respective folders. The main ecological state variables are the primary productivity in units of mgC/m3/d (variable NPP in mat file), the phytoplankton concentration in units of mgChl/m3 (variable pp1 in mat file), the zooplankton concentration in units of mmolN/m3 (variable zp1 in mat file), the organic detritus concentration in units of mmolN/m3 (variable og1 in mat file), the dissolved nitrate concentration in units of mmolN/m3 (variable nu1 in mat file), the dissolved phosphate concentration in units of mmolP/m3 (variable nu2 in mat file).