DATASET S4: Data used for the enrichment analyses in the article: Transcriptomic profile of the cockle Cerastoderma edule exposed to Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins seasonal contamination. Domínguez-Pérez, D. et al., 2021.

Published: 20 October 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/5yp5ncm2vp.2
Dany Domínguez-Pérez,

Description and 47496_genes.annot: 47,496 ORFs encoded by 33,665 genes in .box format exported by the OmicsBox v1.4.11, which contain embedded all the annotations used for the enrichment analyses (Fisher's exact test, FDR <0.05). test_set_16_common_DEGs_up_exposed: List of 16 common DEGs with a similar up-regulated pattern identified in both condition exposed to DSTs, used as test set in the enrichment analyses. test_set_189_common_DEGs_down_exposed: List of 189 common DEGs with a similar down-regulated pattern identified in both condition exposed to DSTs, used as test set in the enrichment analyses. test_set_185_unique_DEGs_up_Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc: List of 185 unique up-regulated DEGs identified in the digestive gland (Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc), used as test set in the enrichment analyses. test_set_168_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc: List of 168 unique down-regulated DEGs identified in the digestive gland (Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc), used as test set in the enrichment analyses. test_set_80_unique_DEGs_up_Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc: List of 80 unique up-regulated DEGs identified in the gills (Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc), used as test set in the enrichment analyses. test_set_456_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc: List of 456 unique down-regulated DEGs identified in the gills (Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc), used as test set in the enrichment analyses. enriched_graph_189_common_DEGs_down_exposed: Enriched graphs resulting from the enrichment analyses (one-tailed Fisher's exact test, FDR <0.05), using the list of 189 common DEGs as test set (file: test_set_189_common_DEGs_down_exposed). enriched_graph_168_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc: Enriched graph resulting from the enrichment analyses (one-tailed Fisher's exact test, FDR <0.05), using the list of 168 unique down-regulated DEGs as test set (file: test_set_168_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_DGe_vs_Ce_DGc). enriched_graph_456_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc: Enriched graph resulting from the enrichment analyses (one-tailed Fisher's exact test, FDR <0.05), using the list of 456 unique down-regulated DEGs as test set (file: test_set_456_unique_DEGs_down_Ce_Ge_vs_Ce_Gc).



Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental


Transcriptomics, Expression Analysis
