Data for: The incorporation of graphene to enhance mechanical properties of polypropylene self-reinforced polymer composites

Published: 28 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5ys9dmmcck.1
Jian Wang


Lightweight, easy recyclability and improved bonding can be achieved by self-reinforced polymer composites (SPC). However, the mechanical properties of SPC are usually limited. The graphene platelets (GNP) were incorporated into polypropylene (PP) to produce PP/GNP SPC. PP/GNP fibers were firstly prepared by melt compounding and spinning, and then PP/GNP SPC was produced by film stacking. The dataset gives the thermal and mechanical properties of samples characterized via DSC, WAXD, tensile test, peeling test. The combination of film stacking technology of SPC and nanotechnology of graphene enhanced the mechanical properties significantly. The tensile strength, tensile modulus, and interfacial strength of PP SPC with only 0.062 wt% GNP were increased by 117, 116, and 116 %, respectively.



Beijing University of Chemical Technology


Polymer Matrix Composites
