Cephalopoint Measurements

Published: 24 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5yyr698ncb.1
Juan Jose Reyes Salgado


Cephalopoint is an open-source software code programmed on Octave; each code applied vector and matrix operations to measure the Cephalometric traces according to Downs and Steiner's Analysis. Octave was selected as the platform to develop the software because it has a set of commands to convert images, do matrix and vector operations, and plot tools in many ways. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to incorporate routines from other programmers to upgrade the code helping to do image processing to recognize the Cephalometric points or use special statistical libraries. The following files were used to measure 42 lateral cephalograms of different patients of Dentistry Clinical of UPAEP for each analysis applying manual and software techniques.


Steps to reproduce

Calculate the average, standard deviation, and standard error for each variable measured of each technique and compare manual and software measures.


Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla


Dentistry, Applied Mathematics, Software Design
