Data for: Root-zone carbon and nitrogen pools across two chronosequences of coastal marshes formed using different restoration techniques: Dredge sediment versus river sediment diversion

Published: 21 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5zbv2mb5zp.1


The soil core data listed in the accompanying Excel file, “Soil_data_ECOENG_106326.xlsx”, were obtained in the study described in the original article: McClellan, S.A., Elsey-Quirk, T., Laws, E.A., DeLaune, R.D. (in press). “Root-zone carbon and nitrogen pools across two chronosequences of coastal marshes formed using different restoration techniques: Dredge sediment versus river sediment diversion”. Ecological Engineering. All quantities except moisture content and bulk density are expressed on a dry-soil basis. The values in the "Coded ID" column represent each soil core section in the form of Ayy-p-xx, where A = S for Sabine, A = W for Wax Lake Delta, yy is the marsh age in years, p is the plot number, and xx is the upper soil depth of the 5-cm section; sections from reference marshes are nominally assigned as yy=50; Sabine reference marshes A and B are denoted as plot numbers 1–3 and 4–6, respectively. Please see the above mentioned article for descriptions of the materials, methods, and study sites pertinent to these data. This study was funded by Louisiana Sea Grant. The SHA256 hash of the accompanying Excel file at the time of upload was: F081B0AF79BC98CCE147E695B900F03BE98F3A8B23EAA09B79C8EC12BE79AB40



Louisiana State University


Ecological Engineering, Coastal Restoration, Carbon Storage, Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics, Freshwater Marshes, Salt Marsh
