Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/5zwcnb699p.1
Ganesh shankar ram B,


Hyperspectral Dataset of Ladysfinger immersed in Pure , Low, Medium, High concentration of insecticide. The dataset consists of hyperspectral images of ladysfinger immersed in various concentration of fertilizer. They are divided into four categories: 1."Pure_ladysfinger" - images of ladysfinger bought from organic shops. 2."Low_concentration_insecticide_ladysfinger" - images of ladysfinger immersed in insecticide(M power) solution at low concentration level i.e 1g or 1ml of fertilizer in 1 liter water and 3."Medium_concentration_insecticide_ladysfinger" - images of ladysfinger immersed in insecticide(M power) solution at low concentration level i.e 3g or 3ml of fertilizer in 1 liter water and 4. "High_concentration_insecticide_ladysfinger"- images of ladysfinger immersed in insecticide(M power) solution at low concentration level i.e 5g or 5ml of fertilizer in 1 liter water and The hyperspectral images are saved by default in .bil format. This dataset is converted into .tiff format. The entire dataset is classified in four folders.1. Pure, 2. Low, 3. Medium, 4. High.It has 2 folders pure and M power fertilizer, which in turn is classified into High,Medium and Low insecticide sprayed ladysfinger. Pure folder consist of 175 images. Low concentration consist of 220 images and immersed in low concentration solution. The insecticide used for this experiment is m power(fipronil 2.92% W/W EC). Medium concentration consist of 100 images and immersed in medium concentration solution. The insecticide used for this experiment is m power(fipronil 2.92% W/W EC). Similarly, High concentration consist of 120 images and immersed in high concentration solution. The insecticide used for this experiment is M power(fipronil 2.92% W/W EC). In pure ,the images are saved as px.tiff , where the x is the number from 1 to 175. In low ,the images are saved as lx.tiff , where the x is the number from 1 to 220 In medium ,the images are saved as mx.tiff , where the x is the number from 1 to 100 In high ,the images are saved as hx.tiff , where the x is the number from 1 to 120



Thiagarajar College of Engineering


Image Processing, Hyperspectral Imaging, Machine Learning, Insecticide, Okra, Deep Learning, Hyperspectral Image Processing
