Supplementary Data 1 for "Female social feedback reveals non-imitative mechanisms of vocal learning in zebra finches"

Published: 5 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/63db6zc5fm.2
Samantha Carouso-Peck


Supplementary data for manuscript "Female social feedback reveals non-imitative mechanisms of vocal learning in zebra finches". Complete data set of all subjects’ behavioral measures across trials, averages across development, and final song learning measures. ‘MaleNum’ refers to the ID number of the individual subject. ‘Condition’ refers to experimental condition, either Contingent (Cont) or Yoked. ‘Group’ indicates the cohort to which each male belongs, with each group having one Contingent and one Yoked genetic brother. ‘T’ indicates trial number (5, 10, 15, 20, or 25) with proceeding labels referring to behaviors during that trial’s experimental session, and ‘Avg’ to the averaged value across all trials. ‘SongDuration’ refers to time spent singing, in seconds. ‘xCount’ (e.g. SongCount, FluffCount) is number of observations of the respective behavior during the session. ‘ContVidCount’ is number of videos played contingent on the song of CC birds, while ‘RemVidCount’ is number of times a video was played after 5 minutes without song. ‘PerchDuration’ refers to amount of time, in seconds, subjects spent on the perch nearest to the video monitor. All fields ending with ‘Prop’ indicate the proportion of one behavior to another (e.g. FluffToSongProp refers to the number of fluff-ups per song bout). ‘xAfterVidStart’ and ‘xAfterVidEnd’ refers to the number of times behavior ‘x’ occurred within a second of the stimulus video being triggered and within a second of the video playback ending, respectively. ‘FluffedAfter’ refers to number of times on or more fluff-ups occurred following an event, while ‘TotalFluffsAfter’ is a count of the total number of fluffs following the event. ‘AccCont’ refers to number of times a video played, by chance, following the song of a Yoked subject (‘accidental contingency’), while ‘NonCon’ is number of non-contingent videos viewed by Yoked subjects. ‘TotalFluffsWipes’ is the sum of fluff-ups and beak wipes in a given trial. ‘ALLContProp’ is the overall proportion of contingent video playbacks to all songs.



Cornell University


Taeniopygia guttata, Behavior, Learning, Social Learning, Vocal Communication
