Mechanisms of Long-Term Repetition Priming in Recognizing Speech in Noise
This data are reported in a manuscript by the same title by Liam J. Gleason and Wendy S. Francis. Three experiments were conducted to find out whether long-term repetition priming in recognizing speech in noise would transfer across modalities and languages. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants listened to or read sentences at encoding and listened to and attempted to recognize the final word of each sentence in noise at test. In Experiment 2, participants additionally performed an articulatory suppression task during encoding. In both experiments, repetition priming (relative to new sentences) was significant in both visual and auditory encoding conditions. In Experiment 3, bilingual participants listened to sentences in English or Spanish at encoding and attempted to recognize the final words of English sentences at test. Repetition priming did not transfer across languages. The archive contains the following files: 1) Sentence_Stimuli.xlsx contains the target words and the sentences in which they were embedded. 2) Demographics_Archive.xlsx contains participant information with each experiment on a separate worksheet. (Please see first sheet for definitions and coding categories.) 3) RSyntax_LME_Analyses_docx contains the code for logistic and linear mixed-effects models for the three experiments. 4) Experiment1_TrialLevelData.csv, Experiment2_TrialLevelData.csv, and Experiment3_TrialLevelData.csv contain trial-level data in long form for the indicated experiment. 5) Experiment3_byParticipant.sav is a short-form data file for Experiment 3 with participant-level data for proficiency and age-of-acquisition analyses in SPSS data file format.
Steps to reproduce
See manuscript/article for methodological details.