LookCrim Curated Dataset
This data was collected throughout the research project "LookCrim: Looking at Crime - Communities and Physical Spaces" (PTDC/DIR-DCP/28120/2017), held at University Fernando Pessoa, and financially supported by The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Briefly, this curated dataset provides information about (in)security, crime, victimization, school climate, and characteristics of physical spaces from the Historic Center of Porto (Portugal), based on three sources of information: Diagnosis of Local Security, Diagnosis of School Context, and Observations of Physical Spaces.
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Method: - Cross-sectional design. - Quantitative analysis. Participants: - 554 individuals from the community, namely inhabitants, workers and students attending Historic Center of Porto - 59 school professionals, from schools located at the Historic Center of Porto - 410 observations of physical spaces Measures: - Diagnosis of Local Security Questionnaire (Sani & Nunes, 2013) - A. I. Sani, L. M. Nunes, 2013. Questionário de diagnóstico local de segurança: Estudo numa comunidade urbana [Questionnaire of Local Security Diagnosis: A study in an urban community]. Análise Psicológica, 31(2), 185–195, https://doi.org/10.14417/ap.609 - Diagnosis of School Context - Questionnaire for School Professionals (Caridade, Nunes, & Sani, 2015) - S. Caridade, L.M. Nunes, A. Sani, 2015. School Diagnostic: Perceptions of Educational Professionals. Psychology, Community, and Health, 4(2), 75-85, https://doi.org/10.5964/pch.v4i2.120 - LookCrim Application - F. Gouveia, A. Sani, M. Guerreiro, V. Azevedo, H., Santos, L. M. Nunes, in press. Mapping CPTED parameters with the LookCrim Application. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. Procedures: Data were collected from individuals of community through a street inquiry and from school professionals through a web-survey. Lastly, physical spaces observations were performed by trained members of the research team. Software: Excel and IBM SPSS for Windows