Data for the Determinants of IPO subscription among domestic retail investors in the United Arab Emirates

Published: 23 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/647nbnm5ss.1
Ibrahim Niankara


The following data is a cross sectional survey, conducted between 11/11/2022 and 12/12/2022 as part of an ex-post annual portfolio allocation experiment to capture the investment attitudes and preferences of Qualified (Actual and Potential) retail investors in the UAE primary capital market. The final treated fully treated data "IPOdataUAE_Final treated data" contains 176 observation, on 103 variables. This data can be used to analyze the extensive and intensive margins of IPOs' demand among domestic retail (non-institutional) investors in the UAE Economy.



Al-ain University of Science and Technology College of Business Administration


Financial Economics, Financial Market, Investment, Financial Econometrics, Demand Estimation, Retail Buying, Initial Public Offering, Capital Market Development
