Data for: Mosquitofish use the past experiences of others with risk to make shoaling decisions

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/64bj3t26fx.1
Katie McGhee


These are lab collected data on F1 lab-born juvenile mosquitofish. Focal individuals could choose to associate with 2 different partners that had either been exposed to cues of predation in the past (alarm cue) or not (water control). Trials were 3 minutes before alarm cue was added and 3 minutes after alarm cue was added. Data are presented in ‘long-format’. Column headings A. Focal individual = the individual identity of the naive lab-born focal individuals whose association patterns are being measured (n=29 focal fish) B. left_trt = which partner was located in the left box in the tank (A = alarm cue partner, C = control partner). Determined by coin toss and then alternated. C. time = shoaling was measured at two time periods for each focal individual —> “before” means the 3 minutes before any alarm cue was added and “during” means the 3 minutes after 1ml of alarm cue was added to the center of the preference tank D. partner_treatment = refers to the previous predator-exposure of the partner (“alarm” = partner exposed to alarm cue repeatedly, “control” = partner exposed to water cues only) E. num_enters = the number of times over the 180 second trial that the focal fish entered the partner fish zone I. total_num_enters = the number of times that the focal fish entered a partner fish zone (alarm+control) during the 180 time period. Note that while this value appears twice (once for alarm partner and once for the control partner), it should only count a single time “before” and “during” alarm cue since it is a sum of the two partners during a time period. G. time_spent = the amount of time (of a maximum of 180 seconds) that the focal fish spent with the partner fish indicted during the 3 minute trial H. prop_time_spent = the proportion of time that the focal fish spent with the partner fish indicted out of the 180 second trial I. total_preftime_sec = the total amount of time spent with either partner (alarm+control) during the time period. Note that while this value appears twice (once for alarm partner and once for the control partner), it should only count a single time “before” and “during” alarm cue since it is a sum of the two partners during a time period. J. active_partner_time = the amount of time (of a maximum of 180 seconds) that the partner fish spent moving around during the 3 minute trial K. partner_prop_active = the proportion of time that the partner spent active out of the 180 second trial



Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Fish
