Manufacturing a First Upper Molar Dental Forceps Using Con-tinuous Fiber Reinforcement (CFR) Additive Manufacturing Technology with Carbon Reinforced Polyamide
Published: 29 July 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/64sjwzcfz9.2
Peter MarotiDescription
The Dataset contains all the necessary 3D models in .stp and .stl format to reproduce the experiments in the manuscript (Submitted to MDPI Polymers) entitled "Manufacturing a First Upper Molar Dental Forceps Using Con-tinuous Fiber Reinforcement (CFR) Additive Manufacturing Technology with Carbon Reinforced Polyamide" by Roland Told, Gyula Marada, Szilard Rendeki, Attila Pentek, Balint Nagy, Ferenc Jozsef Molnar, Peter Maroti.
Medical Instrument, Reverse Engineering, Dental Device, Mechanical Modelling