Exploration of the influence of different biomimetic designs of 3D printed multi-material artificial spinal disc on the natural mechanics restoration: supplementary data

Published: 13 July 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/64smxzsbkk.2


This is the Supplementary Data for the manuscript "Exploration of the influence of different biomimetic designs of 3D printed multi-material artificial spinal disc on the natural mechanics restoration" submitted to Materials & Design. The dataset contains the angular and compressive load response of the specimens. The supplementary data consists of the following folders and files: Optotrak, Spine_tester, Compression, and README_raw_data.docx. The dataset records the angular and compressive responses of the specimens. The folder Optotrak contains the recorded rotation matrix of the local coordinate system attached to the bottom endplate and the local coordinate system attached to the top endplate relative to the fixed global coordinate system, i.e., the transformation matrices, of the specimens during the angular tests. The folder Spine_tester contains the recorded reaction moment of the specimens in the angular test, while the folder Compression contains the load-displacement data of the specimens under three different strain rates. The file README_raw_data.docx contains the detailed information of the files for data processing. Note: the files are named following the norm that Flex = Flexion/Extension, Lat =Left/right lateral bending, and Tor = Left/Right axial rotation. For detailed description please refer to README_raw_data.docx.



Natural Sciences
