Vital signs and intestinal flora in rats

Published: 6 October 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/64z84btr5c.3
yi zhao


The Softron BP-2010 noninvasive rat-tail sphygmomanometer was used, and all rats were acclimated to the noninvasive rat-tail sphygmomanometer for blood pressure (BP) and HR measurement for 1 week. BP and HR were then measured weekly at the same time point using the noninvasive tail-sleeve arterial BP test. This method uses a specialized volume pressure recording sensor, which detects all blood volume changes and is connected by a cuff that is placed over the animal’s tail. Rats needed to be restrained in specific holders and artificially heated to maintain normal BP. The pulse transducer was fixed, and after the subject was quiet, the pulse transducer was turned on. The test was started after the pulse wave appeared and stabilized, with an interval of 2 min between each test. Each rat was measured 3 times, and the average value was taken.



Qinghai University


Rat, Gut Microbiota
