Dataset on effects of nitrogen fertilizer and soil moisture levels on the performance of Water Efficient Maize (WEMA) on Ferric Luvisol and Rhodic Ferralsol soils

Published: 14 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/65bybds4sc.1
Abidemi Adebayo,


The data set shows the effect of different soil moisture levels and nitrogen fertilizer rates on growth, grain yield and water use efficiency of the WEMA variety under different soil types. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using two types of soil (Ferric Luvisol and Rhodic Ferralsol soil) as soil physico-chemical properties in Table 1. Table 2 shows the effect of each treatment factor on PAR at 6, 8, and 12 weeks. Table 3 displays the effect of soil types, soil moisture levels and different nitrogen rates on plant height: Shoot Dry Weight and Shoot Dry Weight: Plant Height of WEMA maize 6, 8 and 12 weeks after sowing. The effect of each treatment factor on plant height: stem diameter at six, eight, and twelve weeks after sowing is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the response of physiological traits of WEMA corn to soil type, soil moisture, and nitrogen fertilizer rates. Furthermore, Table 4 presents the effect of soil types, soil moisture levels, and nitrogen fertilizer rates on dry matter attributes. Table 5 shows the effect of treatment factors on the ear characteristics of WEMA corn. The response of soil type, soil moisture, and nitrogen fertilizer rates on the nutritional quality of WEMA is shown in Table 6. The influence of soil type, soil moisture, and nitrogen fertilizer rates on drought indices is indicated in Table 7. Table 8 shows grain yield and components influenced by soil type and moisture. Table 8 displays grain yield and yield components affected by soil type, soil moisture and nitrogen fertilizer. Figure 4 illustrates the effect of treatment factors on the agronomic efficiency of WEMA. Additionally, tables 9 and 10 show the correlation between yield and traits and nitrogen fertilizer rates between drought tolerance indices. The data showed raw data of plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry matter ratio, active photosynthetic radiation, and ear traits (Excel sheets 1 and 2). Excel sheets 3 –7 represent dry matter attributes, drought indices, nutritional quality, yield and yield components, and agronomic efficiency.


Steps to reproduce

Data were collected six, eight and twelve weeks after sowing (WAS). The data collected related to Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) with the aid of ACCUPAL Model LP-80 PAR/LAI Ceptometer, plant height shoot ratio, shoot dry weight plant height ratio was calculated as described by Gallego – Cedillo et al. (2021) and dry matter attributes was obtained as described by Kumar et al., 2015 and Khatibi et al., 2022. At harvesting, one ear per plant per pot was harvested and shelled. The yield/pot was calculated at a 12% moisture content. Yield = (Dry yield /pot )/(100-moisture content/100) (CIMMYT, 2013; Abebe and Feyisa, 2017) Total shoot biomass = grain yield + stover yield (Yada, 2011) Harvest Index = (Economic yield (g))/(Total biological yield (g)) (CIMMYT, 2013) Water use efficiency was calculated as follows: Water use efficiency (%) = (Grain yield g/pot)/(Quantity of water applied(L))


