Assessment of Informal Settlement in Central Kandahar: A Case Study of Area Within Four Historic Gateways

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/65p7njkt89.1


The hypothesis posits that by assessing informal settlements in Central Kandahar, specifically within four historic gateways, we can gain insight into the nature of these settlements. The data collected provides definitions, types, and effects of informal settlements in the area. The research findings outline various types of informal settlements, including spontaneous sheltering, homeless encampments, nomadic tents, refugee camps, carts and wagons, squatter settlements, slums, self-help housing, shantytowns, informal subdivisions, and tenement housing. These classifications help categorize and understand the diverse forms these settlements take within the study area. Moreover, the data highlights the effects associated with informal settlements. These effects encompass overcrowding, poor living conditions, high levels of poverty, limited access to basic services, social marginalization, health risks, inadequate sanitation facilities, and vulnerability to various challenges. Interpreting the data through the lens of architectural design for the study area can yield significant insights. It allows researchers to understand how the physical structures and layouts of these informal settlements contribute to the identified effects. For instance, overcrowding may be exacerbated by the haphazard construction of housing units, while poor living conditions may stem from a lack of proper infrastructure. Additionally, the design perspective can inform potential interventions or policy recommendations aimed at addressing the challenges associated with informal settlements in Central Kandahar, potentially improving living conditions and overall well-being for residents.



Kandahar University


