Experimental data for analysing the damping behaviour of non-conductive composite materials
Abstract of the associated article: This study aims to characterize the fibre direction dependent damping properties of non-conductive composite materials to be used in newly designed electrical power transmission pylons, on which the conducting cables will be directly connected. Thus, the composite structure can be designed both to insulate and to act as a damper to avoid for example conductor line galloping. In order to predict the damping of the composite materials, a comprehensive analysis on a representative unidirectional laminate was carried out. The fibre-direction dependent damping analysis of glass and aramid reinforced epoxy and vinylester, partly reinforced with nanoclay or fibre-hybridized, was investigated using a Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and a Vibrating Beam Testing procedure for five different fibre orientations (0' , 30' , 45' , 60' and 90' ). The focus was on damping behaviour evaluation at low temperatures (-20'C and 0'C) and low vibration frequencies (0.5 Hz, 1 Hz and 2 Hz), in order to represent the environmental conditions of vibrating conductor lines during galloping. The prediction of the damping behaviour for coupon-level-specimens with three balanced laminates was successfully carried out with a maximal deviation of maximal 12.1 %.
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The zip file has the following structure: 1) DMA (Results of the fibre direction dependent damping obtained by the 'Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis' for unbalanced (off-axis) and balanced (angle-ply) GFRP and AFRP laminates for temperatures in the range from -20'C to 20'C and frequencies in the range between 0.5 Hz and 5 Hz) 2) Poisson Ratio (Results of the strain data in 0' and 90', used for the calculation the Poison ratio for all investigated unbalanced (off-axis) and balanced (angle-ply) GF-EP, GF-VE and AF-EP and AF-VE laminates - with and without nanoclay) 3) Tensile Tests_balanced (contains all results of the tensile tests of balanced angle ply laminates) 4) Tensile Tests_unbalanced (contains all results of the tensile tests of unbalanced off-axis ply laminates) 5) VBT (Results from the Vibration beam test at room temperature and a constant frequency of around 20'C)