Codes for the article “How accurately do consumers report their debts in household surveys?”
These codes help to replicate all the empirical analysis in the article “How accurately do consumers report their debts in household surveys?”, Emerging Markets Review, 2025, revise and resubmit. These codes format the datasets for the Chilean Household Finance Survey (EFH) and the Banking Authority registry (SBIF) datasets. It then creates a matched survey-registry data and compares the loan distributions in terms of debt ownership, debt amounts and maturity. Stata is required to run all the codes. The zip file also includes an online appendix (OnlineAppendix.pdf), with 5 additional tables and 3 additional figures, which are not in the main article.
Steps to reproduce
First, run the main files “”, “” and “” to format the 2011, 2014 and 2017 survey waves and matched them with the banking authority's registry. Then run "" to perform the entire empirical analysis in the article and its online appendix.