Single cell antibody sequences from ApoE mouse aortic germinal center B cells
Published: 18 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/67gyxw9j7n.1
Robert Maul, , , , Description
Immunoglobulin Heavy and Light chain sequences from germinal center B cells derived from the ApoE-/- mouse aorta. Mice were place on a high-fat diet at 12 weeks of age and germinal center B cells were collect at 28 weeks of age. Samples were single cell sorted, reverse transcribed using a template switch oligo, and PCR amplified from the IgH or IgK constant region to the variable region leader sequence. Files are provided as FASTA files.
National Institute on Aging
Atherosclerosis, Antibody, B Cell
National Institute on Aging