Replication data: Gender Equality in Climate Resilience Capacities in Climate Hotspots in Zambia

Published: 28 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/67kv49684m.1
Esther Kihoro,


Below is replication data and code, supporting the manuscript title “Uncovering the Intersections of Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Climate Resilience Capacities within Climate Hotspots for Women in Zambia.” The data was collected in Luapula and North-Western provinces in Zambia. The selection of these provinces was based on identifying subnational climate hotspot areas for women in agrifood systems. Luapula province was identified as a hotspot for perennial crops, while the North-Western province was identified as a hotspot for mixed farming and vegetables, as well as for cereals and perennials. The data collection took place in the Zambezi district within the North-Western province and the Kawambwa district in Luapula province. These districts are rural areas where the majority of households depend on agrifood systems for their livelihoods. To obtain comprehensive insights, we interviewed 199 households, conducting separate interviews with both male and female co-heads. Among these households, 82 were located in the Zambezi district in the North-Western province, while 117 were situated in the Kawambwa district in Luapula province. The data presents information on various important aspects, including women's empowerment, access to and knowledge of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and climate information services (CIS), perceptions and experiences related to climate change, as well as socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the households. The replication data is part of the AICCRA Zambia Baseline Survey 2022 (Zambezi district, North-western province and Kawambwa district, Luapula province) (Gbegbelegbe et al. 2022. AICCRA Zambia Baseline Survey 2022, Harvard Dataverse, V1, We acknowledge and are thankful for the collaboration with IITA, in particular, Sika Gbegbelegbe, Steve Cole and David Chikoye, for the development of research tools and designing and conducting the data collection in the study areas in Luapula and North-western provinces, Zambia.


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International Livestock Research Institute


Agricultural Economics, Gender, Climate Change, Woman, Empowerment, Primary Data


This study has been funded via the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform with the support of the International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC-CRDI).

