Introducing the Concept of Creative Ancestry as a Means of Increasing Perceived Fairness and Satisfaction in Online Collaboration: An Experimental Study

Published: 28 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/67ndhcx83v.1
Kevin O'Leary


The data in the file 'SurveyOutputCSV.xlsx' are the results from the survey carried out for this research. We designed a laboratory experiment to test the impact of creative ancestry on collaboration quality as well as the explanatory research model, based on a specifically developed collaboration system. The collaborative system was developed on the Ethereum Blockchain network. The files 'Smart Contract 1.csv', 'Smart Contract 2.csv', and 'Smart Contract 3.csv' contain the transaction data for all contributions made to the smart contracts which participants of this research interacted with. Finally, 'technivation_analysis.R' contains our data analysis scripts.



Social Sciences
