EEG-data for processing auditorily code-switching from L2 German into L1 Russian at nouns and prepositions
This dataset includes the data that are required to conduct the analyses in our submitted paper “Code-switching does not equal code-switching. An ERP-study on different types of switching from L2 German into L1 Russian”. In particular, it includes - data about the participants; - eeg-recordings, preprocessed with eeprobe; - derived data (mean amplitudes) for statistical analysis; - the code for statistical analysis in R; - the sentence material used for the auditory stimuli. Abstract of the submitted paper: So far, ERP studies on code-switching have investigated single-word insertions, usually nouns. However, CS can range from inserting single words to alternating languages for larger segments of discourse and can happen at various syntactic positions. We present results of an ERP-study on German-Russian CS that include either a whole prepositional phrase or only its lexical head noun. First, while CS at N resulted in an N400 and a typical LPC, CS at P resulted in a broad early negativity, followed by a more anterior negativity, and an anterior negativity with a posterior positivity. Only in the last time window (800-1000ms), CS at P resulted in a broad positivity similar to CS at N. Second, unlike CS at N, the processing of N in a switched PP did not elicit an LPC. The clear differences between both types of CS indicate that different psycholinguistic processes take place. Keywords: Code-Switching, Insertion, Alternation, EL island, Word class, ERP, N400, Late Positive Complex, German-Russian, L2