Dataset of CM and CM-FfM tasks

Published: 13 November 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/686sc6snxc.1
Asmaa Bakroon


Our Hypothesis was to study whether global motion perception in autism decline if Form-from motion (FfM) details embedded in the global picture. We conducted data from 14 adults with autism IQ> 75 and 14 adults with same age, gender, and academic level from a control group. We used the RDK stimulus to generate different levels of coherent motion, and we measured the threshold ( minimum number of dots that run in one direction are required to define the direction of the coherent dots), in on task of coherent motion (CM) and compared with the threshold with the same task but with embedding a Form-from motion shape that moved in the center of the stimulus and in 45 degree from the direction of the coherent dots. We collected the following data: the threshold of CM and CM-FfM tasks, the average response time for both tasks, and the percentage of correct responses to the shape at each coherent levels. Results showed that in CM task, both groups showed similar performance, however, when the FfM shape was embedded, the autism group performance declined dramatically. In our publication of " Is Global Motion Perception Affected in Adults with Autism When Form-from Motion Stimulus is Embedded ?" we explained more about what could be behind this global/local biased of motion perception in autism.



University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Vision Sciences


Autism, Motion Perception
