FTIR files for myrtle wood, myrtle cheese and cunnite
Published: 13 April 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/696pvskktv.1
Christopher Dean, Description
FT-IR raw data and processed data. Sample CD091 is myrtle wood Sample CD079 is myrtle cheese (a lignomor) Sample CD089 is myrtle coal (cunnite) (a lignomor derived from myrtle cheese) Sample CD103 is myrtle coal (cunnite) (a lignomor derived from myrtle cheese) Sample CD065 is another type of lignomor from myrtle Sample CD064 is another type of lignomor from myrtle
Steps to reproduce
The myrtle wood and lignomors have to be collected from the forest. These samples were from the Styx Valley in Tasmania. Then they have to be weighed, then dehydrated and re-weighed. Then they have to be ground to a fine powder. The samples were analysed by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and the spectra run through a spectral library to find matches.
Rikkyo Daigaku, University of Tasmania
Materials Science, Environmental Management, Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics, Cellulose Decomposition, Lignin Decomposition, Carbon Balance