Barriers and Facilitators to sustaining IPC measures as COVID 19 pandemic recedes

Published: 10 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/69ddjy2ys3.1
Dickson Akankwatsa,


This is qualitative data obtained from infection Prevention and Control (IPC) teams including IPC focal persons, health facility in-charges, wards in-charges and district IPC focal persons


Steps to reproduce

Informed consent was sought from the persons experienced with implementation of infection prevention and control. Data was audio-recorded virtually because it was a time of COVID-19. An interview guide with questions on the barriers and facilitators to sustaining IPC measures was designed and target persons were interviewed. Transcription was made from audios, and manual analysis was done in word.


Makerere University Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University School of Health Sciences


Sustainability, Infection Control, Healthcare-Associated Infection, COVID-19
