Dataset of 30-Inch Propellers Performance for UAVs: A Comprehensive Comparison in Hover Condition

Published: 28 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/69hhwc3fd3.1
Srikanth Goli, Abdulrahman Aliyu, Imil Hamda Imran, Dilek Funda Kurtuluş, Luai M. Alhems, Azhar M. Memon


Data for a variety of 30-inch propellers with different pitch and a folding type propeller have been collected using the Flight Stand 50 setup from Tyto Robotics. All tests were performed in hover condition, and the data was collected at 100Hz for a duration of 60 seconds for each case. The testing and data acquisition were carried out using the Flight Stand software. The Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) signal was used as an input to control the motor speed (RPM) during the experiments. The tests were conducted by setting the desired RPM to measure the required parameters and were carried out between 1500 RPM to 3500 RPM. The investigation of 5 propellers, 1 battery, and 1 motor was conducted in this study. Researchers and engineers can utilize this data to evaluate the efficiency of the propellers for designing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).



Unmanned Vehicle, Propeller
