A dynamic accounting method for CO2 emissions to assess the penetration of low-carbon fuels: application to the TEMOA-Italy energy system optimization model - Supplementary material
This database contains the input data and results of the paper "A dynamic accounting method for CO2 emissions to assess the penetration of low-carbon fuels: application to the TEMOA-Italy energy system optimization model" (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.121951). In particular, 3 files are included: -Supplementary material_tables.docx: word documents with tables showing the aggregated results on final energy consumption by commodity and CO2 balance by sector -TEMOA-Italy_Base scenario.sqlite: database containing input data and results of the Base scenario -TEMOA-Italy_Fit55-Net0 scenario.sqlite: database containing input data and results of the decarbonization scenario The source code and the description of the TEMOA modeling framework (MAHTEP version) are available at https://github.com/MAHTEP/TEMOA. The specific input database related to this work is available at https://github.com/MAHTEP/TEMOA-Italy/releases/tag/2.0.