IT and Urdu

Published: 28 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/6cjb2y79st.1
Maheboob Saqib Shaikh Maheboob


Information technology refers to all technologies that relate to the creation, storage, transportation and use of different types of information, written facts, voice links, image dynamics, multi-faceted exposure, and facts that are still unknown. This word usually means both telephone and computer technologies. In fact, information technology is not new, but it is very old. Yes, this term is definitely new. Man has used this technology first through sound, then map and then writing. The term became a branch of engineering by 1980.The article discusses the origin and e volution of Urdu in IT per iods, gener ations and IT and the current state in Urdu.



Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University


Literature, Urdu Language, Technology, Information
